Get To Know Step Forward

CFNLA Director of Marketing and Development, Amanda Felan, sat down with CFNLA Director of Special Initiatives, Carla Burgos, to learn more about the great work of Step Forward and what’s to come in 2022. Amanda: Carla, being new to Community Foundation, I have spent...

Step Forward’s Re-Launch & Re-Invite Network Convening

Step Forward’s Re-Launch & Re-Invite Network Convening

Step Forward, an initiative of Community Foundation of North Louisiana, re-launched on December 7th welcoming over 70 network partners for a Combined Network Convening.  The convening brought the Building Foundations, Building Futures and Building Resilience networks...

A Season of Gratitude

In this season of gratitude, we pause to reflect on the things for which we are most grateful. It is a time to acknowledge the goodness in our lives, our community, and to connect to something larger than ourselves. At CFNLA, we are often reminded that despite the...

Financial Forecast: November 2021

Financial Forecast: November 2021

During the global financial crisis of 2008, the Federal Reserve began to buy bonds, a process named quantitative easing. This action increases the demand for bonds, pushing bond prices higher and interest rates lower. Lower interest rates should help the economy by...

The Privilege of a Normal Day

When COVID-19 began we all anticipated the return to a “normal” day.  Some longed for the normalcy of going to restaurants or socializing with loved ones.  Many children missed their school friends and were anxious to return.  Children in poverty missed not only their...

Financial Forecast February 2022

Financial Forecast February 2022

The early days of 2022 have been difficult for investors. After months of inflationary pressures, the Fed is poised to begin raising interest rates and scale back their bond buying. Bonds were the first to react and major bond indexes saw losses last year. Equity...

In 2022, do not choose the path of least resistance

Doing the right thing is often hard.  It certainly takes more time and energy than ignoring a problem. According to a team of researchers at University College London, choosing the path of least resistance is hardwired into our brains.  In discussing his study...

WPN Annual Membership Event

The Women’s Philanthropy Network held its membership meeting on October 28 at the home of WPN member, Sarah Toups. This meeting is held annually for members to hear reports from grantees and for prospective members to learn more about WPN. Since 2005, WPN has built a...

Year-End Giving Simplified

Community Foundation simplifies giving for donors and helps maximize the benefit of donations to better our community.  In 2021, there are a number of tax incentives for philanthropic giving, some of which may expire at the end of the year.  Thus, there is no better...