Women’s Philanthropy Network

The WPN is currently enrolling members for the 2024-25 membership year. If you are interested in learning more about the WPN please contact Holly Hermes at [email protected].
About the Women’s Philanthropy Network
Women working together to build a stronger future for North Louisiana.
Founded in 2005, the Women’s Philanthropy Network (WPN) was established as a way for local women of all generations and philanthropic capacity to leverage their charitable giving to address pressing issues in the community. To accomplish this, members pool their annual dues to make a high-impact grant to a local nonprofit focusing on education initiatives. The WPN also hosts educational programs to keep members informed about our community. Since its inception, the WPN has granted over $1.6 million to educational initiatives in our community! Contact us at [email protected] for more information.
The 2024-25 membership year begins on July 1, 2024, and concludes on June 30, 2025. In order to vote on the 2025 WPN grant, dues must be paid no later than March 31, 2025. (Dues received after March 31st are applied to membership for the following year.)
As a CFNLA fund, 80% of annual dues are granted in the donation year while 20% are invested in the WPN Endowment Fund for future grants. Each year, 4% of the market value of the endowed fund is added to the grant pool. The WPN Endowment is currently valued at over $590,000.
There are six membership levels:
- Junior Member (ages 16-49): $200-$499
- Ruby: $500-$999
- Sapphire: $1,000-$2,499
- Emerald: $2,500-$4,999
- Diamond: $5,000-$24,999
- Lifetime Member: $25,000+.
WPN members have the opportunity to vote on the WPN grantee at the Annual Meeting held in May. Members will also be acknowledged in the Community Foundation’s Annual Report, receive invitations to speaker series events, and connect with other like-minded women dedicated to improving education for children in Caddo Parish.
2024 Recipients
The Arc Caddo Bossier
- $55,000 granted to The Arc for The Goldman School. The Goldman School provides high quality childcare to children, both with and without disabilities, ages two months through age five
Louisiana Key Academy for Caddo
- $55,000 granted to Key Academy for the Caddo STEAM Program. Louisiana Key Academy is a tuition free charter school for dyslexic children. The STEAM program is a bonus for students. It plays to students’ strengths of creativity and higher thinking. The format allows the students to work in a group while learning to problem solve.
2023 Recipient
Volunteers for Youth Justice (VYJ)
- $90,000 granted to VYJ for The Harbor School Based Center. The Harbor is VYJ’s resource center featuring wraparound services aimed at meeting the needs of families in the community.
2022 Recipient
Volunteers of America of North Louisiana (VOA)
- $75,000 granted to VOA for the expansion of the Communities In Schools (CIS) program, serving Caddo students at highest risk for academic failure.