Teen Advisory Committee

What is the Teen Advisory Committee?

Step Forward’s Teen Advisory Committee (TAC) is a diverse, youth-driven group that provides leadership development and engages teens in issues, policies, programs, and activities that affect young people in Northwest Louisiana.

TAC Responsibilities

  • Attend scheduled committee meetings.
  • Actively participate in all meetings and projects.
  • Advise on matters pertaining to regional youth in North Louisiana (Caddo Parish).
  • Recommend community programs and activities for teens.
  • Support Peer-to-Peer programs

Eligibility Requirements

  • TAC candidates are subject to grade point average (GPA), residency, and age requirements. Candidates must:
  • Have and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0
  • Attend a school in Caddo Parish.
  • Be between the ages of 14 to 18 or in the 9th through 12th grade at the time of application.
  • Submit a completed TAC application with two letters of recommendation from two adults and a current transcript.

Teen Advisory Committee Student Testimony

Watch the video below for TAC students’ testimony!