CFNLA Celebrates Its 60th Anniversary

by | Feb 1, 2021 | News

Since 1961, the Community Foundation has been a source of knowledge, funding, and expertise for the benefit of our community. We bring resources and people together to create solutions for some of North Louisiana’s most critical issues. As a permanent and growing resource, we strive to strengthen our community by promoting philanthropy and improving the quality of life for all.

This year, we are proud to be celebrating our 60th anniversary. Join us as we reflect on our history and successes through special publications and events throughout the year. Some highlights of the past six decades include:

  • Growing our endowment from a $2.3 million founding donation to over $140 million in assets;
  • Helping donors create a lasting legacy through the administration of 240 funds;
  • Providing nearly $100 million in grants to nonprofit organizations since inception; and
  • Convening experts and leaders to address issues like poverty, health, education, and economic development.

Thanks to the groundwork laid by generous donors and innovative thinkers, the Community Foundation is positioned to be a leader in our community for generations to come. As we celebrate our past, we look forward to continuing to serve and remain committed to creating a brighter future for North Louisiana.