Building Resilient Communities

by | Feb 7, 2024 | News, Step Forward News

Step Forward has partnered with SPAR to present “Bouncin Back” a series of community conversations on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Now more than ever parents and caregivers need access to the tools and resources that reduce trauma and encourage resiliency. The ACEs Parent Talks are safe settings where parents and caregivers can share their daily challenges, learn ways to practice self-care, and explore how best to support the developmental and social-emotional needs of their children. The series will offer three FREE events for parents and/ or caregivers.

KSLA invited CFNLA’s Carla Burgos, an expert in ACEs, to discuss the purpose of these events: KSLA Mind Matters: Adverse Childhood Experiences

Please see the dates & times below and register if you would like to attend.

April 20 at Valencia Recreation Center | 10:00 am – Noon: Register
July 20 at Lakeside Park Recreation Center | 10:00 am – Noon: Register